Thursday 26 January 2017

Working on it!

Seems to be the theme of the day....working on it,,,trying to get it finished. I realize I am not going to live forever but if I did I would have enough fabric and projects to keep me busy.
January has not been kind so far. I have been to two funeral in 5 days with 2 more funerals to come this week.Nothing like that to get you thinking of finishing things and getting your "poop in a group"!
this pic was during quilting but it is finished now with red binding

Last weekend we had a class on curvy log cabin.  I wanted to not just learn the technique but to actually have a purpose for the quilt when it was finished.  There are a few babies expected this year so issue solved. Now it is finished and waiting for a new home. I am not completely happy with my choice of fabric though. The log cabin effect doesn't really stand out but I am sure a little boy will just love all the puppy dog fabrics.
Today I will be basting yet another baby quilt and machine quilting it. Trying to clean off my tables in my sewing room to make room for setting up the hand quilting frame.

Hold your family close and give a shout out to a friend you haven't seen in awhile before it is too late.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Flocks of feathers

feathers that still need some work
Well today was a sewing day and just to make sure, I left the house! Well really it was guild day and we had a workshop. With a little prep work the night before I was able to get lots of sewing done at the class.These eleven blocks are the result of today's class. I will have a few hours more work to make them into a baby quilt for a little girl.
 I like doing these workshops learning a new technique. But I try to find a reason to make the quilt not just because there is a workshop. I have so many projects that need finishing and many many more that I wish to start....there is no time for making things I either don't like or don't want to do just because it is a workshop.
Next month at guild the workshop is bag making. I have enough bags so I will be taking another project to work on and maybe complete!

Fast forward one day. I started this post yesterday but was waiting for daylight to add pictures. Now today I have more to add.
Lori loved being around family
Once again life has thrown me a curve ball or in my case I call it a wake-up call. I learned this morning of a dear friend/cousin who passed away. We went to school together and she married my cousin. She was quite the lady, never at a loss for words or something to say. With all the recent funerals I have attended this is going to be the most difficult because she was the same age as me(well she was a few months younger, she always like to  point that out). I have started taking stock of my life, my accomplishments and things that I still want to do and be part of. You quickly come to the realization time is flying by too fast. the ones you love, give them an extra tight hug today and quite putting off all those things that you think you have time for. Do them now what are you waiting for!!!

Sunday 15 January 2017

Another year older but maybe not wiser...

carnations my favorite
Another year older for me it is but not sure if I am any wiser!! My family has vowed to not enable my addiction to fabric and quilting so I had to give other ideas for gifts. So a new family ring is on its way to me. In the meantime I received this bouquet of flowers as a surprise and had a day of being spoiled by my DH on my birthday!
view out my window
Looking back a post, I can't believe it has been so long since I have written. Sorry to my readers, I will try to be more frequent with my posts. My problem is I take on long term projects that last many months and I don't want to bore you with the same thing.
En Provence
I have spent the last few weeks sewing away on En Provence. A mystery by Bonnie Hunter. My top is complete now but will have to wait a  bit to be quilted. I have a class this week at one guild to make this feather quilt. I am just making a scrappy version to give away. Next Saturday I have another class to make a curvy log cabin. I am also going scrappy with this one. See already I will have more to post in the future!! haha
I have received a commission piece that I am to hand quilt. I am just waiting for a special silk batting and the quilting will begin. This will be my winter project. There will be more pictures of that once it is set up on the frame.
feather quilt to be!!
February is going to be a busy month. I start the month with a small trunk show and finish the month teaching a class on curve piecing- Metro Rings by Sew Kind of Wonderful. In between we also have several UFO days planned. I am thinking by March I am going to need a vacation!
I think I can finish these soon
I think I will take a mini vacation tonight and do some slow stitching. I have this pair of socks almost done then I can work on this snowman embroidery. I will be joining in with my friend Kathy and slowing the pace and enjoying some quiet time.
Come back Tuesday or Wednesday and see how that pile of scraps became feathers...I can't wait to see!! Have a great week!!

Sunday 1 January 2017

Happy New Year 2017

my view on new year's eve
If the rest of the year is similar to how I spent last night....I will be one happy quilter! DH and the band were playing a dance in our little town. I chose to drive him to the venue and then return home and sew all night. I was behind on Bonnie Hunter's mystery so I needed to catch up. And I do mean all night as I had to go back and get him at the end of the dance...1 am!!! I got caught up only to find the last clue and reveal was today. Guess I know what I will be doing for a couple of days.

After doing my daily ( it seems) routine of shoveling driveways, I got a couple more hours in today. But this evening as I sit here typing away...there is very little energy left. It might be an early movie night with DH. I can't just sit and watch a movie so some slow stitching on something will get done. I have a pair of socks that I am knitting and the last block on my embroidery quilt to finish.

With this new year starting, I have been cleaning and purging "stuff" from my house. I have manage to tidy, sort, purge and dispose of 3 garbage bags to goodwill, one to garbage, and one grocery bag of books that I will take to the library.It feels good to know what you have and where it is. Although we think we have an extra remote for a WII player and can't find it. I suppose there are a few more spots that need cleaning.We won't even talk about my sewing room/half of the basement. NOT GOING THERE!!!!
So here is wishing everyone good health and happiness in whatever you chose to do with this new year and many thanks for the comments and kind words of encouragement I have received over the past year. Here is hoping I can make more regular blog posts this year.

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...