Monday 26 December 2016

Merry Christmas! and Happy Boxing Day

homemade stockings
And now the gifts are all opened and the turkey has been eaten. It has been a great Christmas and I will be sewing in style this year. I got a new chair for my sewing room. There is not much going on in the sewing room  but dear daughter who is home does need some hemming done so that is on the agenda!There will be time later this week, for now some embroidery and knitting will get done.
comfy chair
I am linking up with my friend Kathy for her slow stitching Sunday. She was showing a favourite ornament. I don't have a favourite(they are all special) but this one was the year I started collecting vintage machines.My first and only featherweight. These stockings were all hand sewn. The cross stitched santa was made and finished Christmas eve 25 years ago just in time for my daughter's first Christmas! At our house even the dogs get stockings. Although we only have one dog now, I still hung our other's stocking(can't part with it). We started a new tradition last year. I bought us all sort of matching PJs, so this year our daughter bought us all mugs with sayings on them! Easy to tell whose was whose!?!

It is freezing rain here so travelling or boxing day shopping is out of the question. What are we to do...the family is waiting for this post to be done and the WII board is coming out for some entertainment!!! Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays with loved ones all around!

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Oh My ...where have I been?

Ponytail toque
It is that time of year.....get togethers, guild parties and countless shopping trips to finish up the Christmas shopping. Yes that is what has been happening. But now I can say the baking is baked, the tree and house are decorated, presents bought and wrapped and with the exception of meals that need to be cooked, I am ready for this weekend.
"Frozen" characters and pinwheels
Over the past few weeks I have been knitting mostly but have managed to get a small quilt done and I have worked on my embroidery too.I am on the last block of the embroidery then I can put the quilt together. Maybe it will be done for this winter....I think I am on my third winter?!?! The small quilt is for charity. A "friend" not sure who(one of my knitting buddies) left some fabric at my house one day. And by left I mean they stuffed some in a boot and tossed the rest in my broom closet.They are not owning up to their mischief but regardless I use it and add more of my own and made this quilt. I have a second one but it isn't finished.                         Picture is a little dark, guess the Christmas tree needs more lights.
this morning
Winter is here, there is no doubt. It was later coming this year but is making up for lost time. Last week I think it snowed every day and as I am writing this tonight, it is snowing and blowing outside. I guess that pretty pink sky this morning was right....sailors take warning!!

Now I have time to catch up on Bonnie Hunter's mystery. I did the first clue and then fell behind with all the preparations but now I can sew and hopefully time will fly to the weekend and when my daughter comes home for the holidays. I am making dinner for my side of the family on Boxing day so that gives us a few days to catch up face to face.

With so much time between posts, I will try for another one this week but not sure that will happen.
So I will wish all my readers a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year. Thanks for following along and bearing with this relatively newbie blogger!!!

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...