Thursday 7 July 2016

Road Trippin'

1/2 garbage bag worth
Well yesterday was a fun day. It is always fun road trippin' with a friend and Bernadette and I have very similar interests! Our friend Zelda(she's as much fun as her name)told us about a yarn sale at a Stedman's/V&S store in a neighbouring town(1.5 hours from us..that's a neighbour?) So we decided to check it out and visit a quilt store or two and if we found the new knitting store all the better.
quilt store goodies
Much to our surprise as we walked into the yarn sale, there was our friend Zelda. We had made no plans with her about the day but got to spend some time with her and have lunch together.The prices were amazing and by the pics you can tell I accumulated quite the haul! Most of it has a purpose but a couple bags were just too nice to leave behind.In all our travels of the day we only got to one quilt store and I got a row by row pattern and some fat quarters for my tumbler quilt.
We took one wrong turn in the whole day but it took us along a road and we saw this covered bridge. So we just went with the small detour and enjoyed the view.
looks like a country road but there is a neighbourhood nearby

Now today with my purchases put away for a bit later, I am trying to settle into getting something accomplished. My daughter's quilt is on the agenda. I know what I want to do quilting wise but I must sandwich and baste the quilt first then see if I can actually quilt it the way I am planning.I want to machine quilt it with words and I want the words to show, so I will be quilting it from the back of the quilt. So when I baste it, the basting threads will be my guides for quilting. YIKES!!!
And it all has to be done by next Tuesday!!

8 weeks old
2 years old

Now yesterday was also a special day for our little fur baby. Belle turned 2 years old. Those eyes look so innocent but we knew right from day one she was going to be a little stinker! She has her moments and we still say"it's a good thing she's cute!"
Enjoy your day, the weekend is almost here!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's quite the yarn haul! It IS a good thing you had the van if Bernie got just as much! Haha!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...