Sunday 7 February 2016

Groundhog Day

starting point
2nd a little harder
some got to this point too
Yes I saw my shadow...6 more weeks of quilting!!!
This week I accomplished many things..and this is what I have to show! Yesterday I was teaching paper piece to some ladies from one of the guilds I belong to. We started out simply with a heart, moved onto a star that had 4 units and finally into arcs and a very detailed star. The ladies did wonderfully and picked up the process quite quickly. There was some grumbling and a few stitches taken out but at the end of the day...they were going home to try and finish their pieces. We weren't making anything in particular, just learning the technique. Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera but I might get some pics later from a friend who was there.

Along the way I have been sewing up my blocks from the Allietare mystery quilt.(check this link to Bonnie Hunter's blog to see some other quilts)They are actually going together quickly. Once laid out they are just a nine patch that needs sewn together except there are 50 blocks altogether.  I just wanted to get the little pieces sewn up before I lost some in my mess of a sewing room.

knitted afghan
This week I have really put the push on to get an afghan finished too. It was started by my DH's aunt(who passed away).She had many projects started that I am hoping to finish and this is the first. It is knitted and very large ...almost big enough for a double bed!! I am also amazed that our knitting styles are very similar. You would have a hard time knowing which panels I did and which she did. OR maybe she is watching over me. She was making these afghans for her 6 grandkids, so I am hoping to finish one for each of them.
I am bound and determined to finish projects this year and so far I am on course. With what got completed last week see here and what I have lined up, I should be well on my way. So today for slow stitching Sunday(no Superbowl fans here) along with some sewing of Allietare blocks, I am hoping to finally put some stitches in this pink and brown quilt I basted last week. I found a better coloured pink thread to quilt it with. Check  in with Kathy and the ladies and see what they are slow stitching this week.
Hope you all have a great week ahead!!


  1. Lovely blocks and really nice to be able to finish DHs aunts UFOs!

  2. You've been very, very busy. How nice to teach the paper piecing. I love both foundation and English. It is very addicting. Love your fabric choices for the Allietare quilt. Bonnie Hunter is an amazing designer and quilter.

  3. Loved that opening line ; thanks for the laugh!! :)

  4. Ah love the results you got from the ground hog! LOL Enjoy your stitches today!

  5. Oh that is so sweet of you to finish all those knitting projects for family members! What a lot of work!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...