Saturday 1 February 2014

Hello February!!

Hope everyone is keeping warm where ever you are, as I know some of you have seen snow that you are not use to!! Happy winter!!
south western Ontario
I am thankful my DH has a tractor with a snowblower or else I am not sure where I would be putting the snow. Although we don't have as much as some places.Where my daughter lives, the snowbanks are higher than large trucks, it is just amazing!!
So when the shovelling is done I have been spending a lot of time in the sewing room. I am trying to get UFO done. I have some that are 12-14 years old.Not that old but I would like to clear some of the older ones out to make room for newer UFO!!

50" square
We had a workshop at guild this month using a technique of Ricky Tims. I showed a start of that star here. Funny thing about this technique, I found a magazine with his design in it and mark the page as something I would like to do. That was in  2002!! Guess I can take that off my bucket list! Also is it just me or do men quilters use and waste a lot of fabric. This is the pile of crumbs that I have leftover. I was able to get some 2" squares and  pieces for two lemoyne star blocks. I intend to make some of Bonnie Hunter's crumb blocks to use up the pieces.Well the top is done and I would like to sandwich it and it will be part of another challenge our guild is having for the Olympics. We are to bring in something we are going to work on during the 2 weeks and bring it to the next meeting to see how we have done. There will be medals, gold, silver and bronze for the competitors.
Never idle hands, I have knitting on the go, a quilt to bind
and a block to applique for Monday night guild! Luckily, there is curling on this weekend.That will give me lots of time to stitch away on whatever I choose!


  1. Can hardly wait to see what if you get a gold, silver or bronze:)

  2. With this weather we should all have no UFO's....LOL

    1. Working on it, if only I would stop getting more projects to start at guild!

  3. What a wonderful job you did with the kaleidoscope quilt! Sure am looking forward to seeing it in person!

    1. And all the others. They are all going to be so different!

  4. I love the Olympics challenge idea! I would give you a gold medal for your Ricky Tim's quilt

  5. Luv your kaleidoscope - looks great

  6. This block looks great. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Great photo of winter driving! Hope you enjoyed your slow stitching...thanks for linking up!
    Go for the gold!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...