Sunday 28 January 2024

Batting has arrived!!

 Why is the fact that batting has arrived important...before Christmas I ran out! I did not even have big enough pieces to sew together for a quilt. I was fortunate to be gifted some for Christmas (thanks Louise) and some for a birthday gift(thanks Barb). My piranhas are so good to me!! Then another friend played pick up and delivery service for an order of two rolls. I should be good for a bit!!

latest finish
So to put the batting to use I finished a quilt for a friend to gift. I made the quilt and she put the words on it. Looks pretty good, the words make it even more special. You can read more about this quilt here. Also the socks in that blog post are finished too! Then I moved onto finishing a quilt of valour as I needed the safety pins that it was basted with. This week I have finished a lap quilt that I will be gifting in February and have basted a toddler quilt for my great nephew that I hope to get to today. Wow that seems like a lot but in between there I have been curling and there was one full week of shovelling. Seems more like Spring here right now but I know winter isn't done with us yet!

Here is a fun thing that I have done for a couple of years now. I save all the thread spools that I empty and see what I have at the end of the year. Of course not totally accurate as some were used in the previous year and some spools aren't empty yet but it is a good showing of the sewing I have done. A couple of those spools are hand quilting thread too.

It is getting to be that time of the year for me, I usually set up a quilt to hand quilt during February and March so I can quilt and watch curling championships on TV. I wonder which one in my pile I will chose...might be next week's post when I get to that!! But for now going to get a coffee and sit and see what the slow stitchers and Kathy are up to today.

Have a great week everyone and remember there is always something, however small, to be grateful for!

Sunday 14 January 2024

So much has happened

 Christmas, New Years......My Birthday!!! This year was a big one too 60th! My daughter put together the best day for me. Morning into afternoon was with some girlfriends. Some games, lots of laughs and giggles and snacks! That was followed by a family dinner. All this and I didn't have to do anything!! It really was an amazing day with lots of hugs. My only moment of sadness was knowing I was doing this for myself and my dear late husband. He was meant for other things and never got to celebrate turning 60. This year I dedicate to him, going on adventures, doing things we wanted to do and finishing things we started together.

quilt for a friend
Those are some hefty goals for me but I am determined to see what I can do. But you have to know that my quilting and knitting will be there with me too. 

I fell behind on the Bonnie Hunter mystery over the holidays. I have finished step 3 and have the rest of the clues. I was going to start that this weekend but I got an order for a quilt from a friend. I have made one for her before to give away and this one is the same. I will go into more details once it is delivered but I have included a pic to see where I am. It will also be my slow stitching for today as I do the applique on the ribbon. I will check in with Kathy and the gang later to see what they are all slow stitching on. I am sure Kathy will be cross stitching something today!!

socks for me,new chair table
We went from a green Christmas to winter wonderland just in the last week. So I have also been sidetracked with snow removal. But coming home to my sewing room is very relaxing and slowly I will get back into the swing of things. My friends want to do the 365 day challenge. is January 14 so that means I am already 14 days behind. It is a make a block a day challenge but the blocks are fairly simple to start so should be able to catch up in no time. More posts on that in the future I am sure.

Well blogging is caught up and I have some applique to get to. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

we had to wait but winter came

Monday 1 January 2024

Happy New Year!!

 Holidays have kept me busy with no time to sit and blog. Then after the gifts were opened, food ate, wishes and hugs shared  and all company had left...I got sick! A nasty head cold has kept me on the couch and I am just starting to feel like doing something or anything!

I was in bed early but a book kept me up till midnight. So I was awake when the new year arrived and today it is kind of sunny ,cold and a few snowflakes are falling. Although most of the yard is green which is very unusual for us here in my neck of the woods!

quilt and guilty party
Not much quilting has been done in the last few weeks(reason above) but I have been knitting again. I got two pairs of socks done for Christmas for my daughter and I to match our Christmas pjs. This week while recuperating I was able to finish another pair for a friend.

This week I am back into the sewing room and am working on a special project. It is a repair for a quilt I made for a little friend. Her puppy decided he REALLY liked her quilt and chomped a large chunk out of it. I was going to bind the jagged edge and leave the hole for story sake. BUT  she wanted the hole filled in because and I quote she said "my quilt looks like a pair of pants!" She is not wrong! Okay Lauren I will try my best to get it fixed and have it ready when mom stops to pick it up!!

part of repair
The funny part of this story is I have some of the original fabrics but Lauren has loved and carried this quilt with her lots in the 6 or so years she has had it, that I can't use them. They just wouldn't look right so I had to improvise and use different fabric so it would kind of blend it with the rest of the quilt. Not sure if this follows any rules for quilt repair but it is what I am doing. I will post the finished repair later in the week.

I am late but joining up with Kathy and catching up with everyone and all  the slow stitching.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year and hope you all have lots of quilty/stitching projects to work on!

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...