Sunday 28 March 2021 beginnings

creek is open and roaring
As the rain continues to fall and the snow is disappearing, you start to see the start of new life. Seems almost poetic that this is happening now in my life too. A new way of life, learning I can do more than I thought and relying on others when I do need help. Things are coming to life under what's left of the winter. I have daffodils poking up in the flowerbed and seedlings are growing under lamps in the house. This week I saw my first robin, that's a sure sign that Spring is here.

Even in our little town, there has been three buildings demolished. Sounds opposite to what I have been saying but this is cleaning and beautifying our town. They were old buildings way past usefulness and needed to be cleaned up. Paving the way for new opportunities and new buildings to be built.

My friend Bernadette came for an afternoon visit yesterday. We mostly talked but did get a little stitching done...well she did. I was trying to cut out pieces for a quilt and realized I had cut wrong. Now I just hope I have enough fabric to finish the quilt. It is the first day that I have managed to sew on the machine. My mind and heart haven't been there but I have to start somewhere. I will try again today and will work on the blocks for the quilt along with Carla. I am way behind but I am making my quilt smaller so I might be able to catch up quickly.

pieces cut and ready to sew
Although sewing isn't high on my to-do list, I still keep up with blogs and facebook quilt groups. I am hoping that they inspire me to get going. I especially love reading what my friend Kathy is up to. We have missed getting together for our Piranha weekend. I am so hoping we will be able to do it this summer.

Kathy has slow stitching Sunday
going on and encouraging everyone to settle in with needle and thread and stitch the day away. She has quite the following and I love reading what everyone is up to.

I would like to thank everyone for their kind words of comfort and encouragement. It means a lot to know others are thinking of me and it helps me to keep going.

Sunday 21 March 2021

Breathe.....Slow and Steady

 That has been what has been keeping me going. Today marks one month since I lost the love of my life, my best friend. But life goes on and I have put on my big girl panties and am working through all that needs to be done. I have sat back and reflected on those first days and have let go of all those initial expectations. Now I look at each day and take what is given to me. You can't plan for a situation like this and now I can just do what I can do. One day at a time, one hour at a time, knowing he is by my side in all I do.

a few of the tapped trees
I have been knitting and a little hand quilting but honestly I have been so busy with tapping trees for maple syrup, walking the dog and keeping her busy and planting seedlings for the garden that the time seems to have flown by.

my spring colours for Carla's quilt-along

                       Yesterday was International Quilting day, but I spent the day out in the sunshine, just soaking up the rays. I have not gotten back into my studio to sew but with time....that too will come. I have many projects I want to get to. I have fabric all set out for a quilt along with Carla at Quilting by the river but haven't cut it yet. I have printed the instructions and it will be my first project to tackle when my heart and mind are ready. For now I have started a sweater from Sweet Yarns knitting store in Sudbury
and will work on that...should be ready for next Fall!

our creek opening up
        Although I haven't been sewing, I am still checking in with my friend Kathy and all the slow stitchers to keep me interested and see what you are all doing. It warms my heart to read all the comments you left me on my last post. Quilters really are amazing people. Friends, strangers and quilters from all over the world sent love and comfort which lifted my spirit. For that I am glad I am part of such a great group of people.

This is my journey and I hope you don't mind being along for the ride with me.

Sunday 7 March 2021

My world is shattered

 Maybe not the right place to do this but my blog is about me. All facets of my life and in the past two weeks my life has been shattered and changed forever. On February 21, the love of my life and best friend, my husband died of a sudden heart attack. It has taken my world and turned it upside down. My daughter has been with me since that day.

I know it will take time and the days ahead will be long. I have many family and friends that are there with a hug, food or whatever we may need. I am not sure what the future holds  but I am hoping that with faith, hope and love we will make it.

I also know that keeping busy is best. I have not been able to attempt anything sewing or quilting wise. I have put  labels on two quilts for two special people who helped us with the funeral preparations.  My hubby understood my love of fabric and thread and even encouraged my passion. So with that in mind, I know he would want me to carry many projects to finish. I know the day will come when my heart doesn't hurt so much, that bright fabrics and fun looking quilts will be my medicine. But also joining in with my friend Kathy for slow stitching Sunday and reading all your blog posts will help me to not feel alone and encourage me to get busy quilting!

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...