Sunday 23 August 2020

Mini holiday

 We took a couple of days and went to visit our daughter. She had arranged for us to have family pictures taken that was a Christmas gift for me.It was a fun mini holiday. I also got to meet my friend Louise's newborn granddaughter. With all the Covid rules in place, I was happy to just get to see her...but I was able to hold her too just no kisses or snuggling!! Apparently it is an "older" lady thing...wanting to see and hold babies. What do these young kids know!! haha

Other things don't stop just because you are gone for three days. The garden kept growing and producing and I have been in pickling mode once again. This picture shows today's work, pickled beets and some from the other day ...more dills.

On our drive this week I got in some knitting and the evenings gave me time to make these hexie diamonds. Any other time....I was sleeping or sitting with my poor tired feet up!!

With a coffee in hand, I will be checking in with Kathy and the ladies and looking for some inspiration to get sewing. I have heard from many and they are all saying the same thing...blame Covid!!

Sunday 16 August 2020

Have you seen my quilting mojo!!

Yes my mojo seems to have disappeared and I don't know where to look for it or some inspiration. I have been knitting and working on my hexies so not totally useless. I did do one afternoon of sewing on these cute little wonky scrappy 6" star blocks.(these are also Kathy's fault/influence) I think I almost have enough to put together a quilt top.

There has also been lots of fabric petting going on. I went searching for fabric for a mystery that Kathy has enticed me with. I thought I had the perfect fabric but they said no directionals. They offered a sneak peek and I took it...yup no directional so back into the stash to find something else. I was a member of a fat quarter club and I have many so I wanted to use them up and also didn't want a beige or white for the background. So I went in search of a background fabric that had 4.25 meters. I found this dark tealish blue with black swirls. Now how to contrast the other colours...make them to gray with a bit of white! These fabrics have been sitting on my ironing board for a couple of days and I still like them so today there might be some cutting happening. This is for the Morewood mystery. It is a monthly mystery and it isn't too late to join. So far we only have fabric requirements and cutting instructions that can be found at their website.

fabrics for mystery

Pickling and baking happens as I continue to reap the benefits of our garden. Some things will be in the garden way into September...lots of squash and zuchinni.

With  a coffee in hand I will be checking in with Kathy and friends this morning. Can't promise that any slow stitching will get done today but always fun to see what others are doing. Maybe just maybe something will spur me on in the sewing department. Have a fun day and a great week ahead.

Monday 10 August 2020

Quilting Hiatus

flower bed 1

cone flowers

hens and chicks

It seems as though that is exactly what has happened. I have not been in my sewing room for well over 2 weeks. I have worked on my hexies while fishing with DH but sitting at the sewing machine...nope!!

Now to explain...of course there is always an excuse reason! One of my closest friends became a grandma again. So of course I had to make something but she is a quilter as well so I leave quilts to her. I have been in knitting mode instead.  I will be delivering them next week and hopefully will get a peek at the new little addition!

purple poppy

But today is for get back into the sewing room and find something to do?! Really what I mean is figure out where I left off on any given project that I might want to work on. I am posting a day late to join in on the slow stitching with Kathy. But know I was busy with a different kind of thread and did check in to see what everyone was doing...and get some inspiration.


pots of portulaca

So I decided that this post will be a view of my gardens. The other day I went out and took pics of all the blooming flowers and one of the continuing to grow gardens(we  have 4 gardens in various places).

Pickling(dilled beans) has begun and also the zuchinni loaves are being made and frozen for the winter.

Sorry about those little white squares and rectangles....posting pictures in this new format has a bit of a learning curve.

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...