Sunday 21 July 2019


this week's finish-Belle approved
Remember last winter when we thought the snow would never end.... how I would love to see some of that cool white stuff right now. Our house feels like an oven but it is less hot than the outdoors!

This summer is just flying by. I remember saying just wait for July and now it is more than half over...I must be getting old cause they say time goes by faster as you age!!

Perfect quilt for a little nephew-dog stays with me
Well not too much is getting done in the sewing room. Who wants to use an iron in this weather. But even with that I got a quilt completed today. (I do have to say that it looks better in real life than in this picture) I also put the label on a quilt that is going to be a gift for a new great nephew of DH. He will be here in a couple weeks for our family reunion.

1st block of many to come
Plans are underway for the guild's new program year. I have a couple samples that I have to work on to have ready for September. I have all the pieces cut out to make the quilt but this is the only block that I have done so far. I made it first to make sure I liked it and could get it to work out. The pattern in the book used templates and I wasn't going to do that when I have rulers that will work!! It is rather a simple block but how it is put together makes the quilt top look amazing and difficult at the same time. There are also secondary patterns that pop up depending on the placement of the blocks. I will show more of this is some future posts.

I will be joining in with my friend Kathy for slow stitching Sunday. Needle and thread really is a soothing way to relax and try to stay cool. I do believe that more diamond making for my hexie quilt will be in order. Working on the quilt top is not possible right now with the hot weather, although we have gotten a bit of a break and the temperature is more bearable today!

Looks like summer has finally arrived!!

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...