Sunday 10 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Wishing all my MOM friends and blog readers, a happy day!! Today is a day of relaxing sewing for me as I was away from home most of yesterday. My guilds(I belong to two) hosted a Neighbourhood Show and Tell. Quilters and stitchers came from cities near us(some 2-4 hours away) for the day of just showing off their quilts, a light lunch and social! Each attending was to bring along a single quilt to show. Some brought embroidered items too. It was like old home week for me but in a single afternoon. I got to speak to and visit with a lot of ladies who I was in a guild with before I moved to where I am now. It was very nice to reconnect with them and see what they all have been up to lately.
Sorry couldn't get her spun right side up!
I had to add this pic of my name tag. I found her at the bottom of a box of things I picked up at a guild yard sale some years ago. I added the name plate and received lots of compliments on her yesterday!

Sewing today trying to get this top together so I can figure out how much backing I need. I am headed to my most favorite quilt store on Monday morning with a friend.

Country Quilter is having her annual May sale....1000 bolts of fabric at 50% off. I could spend the whole day in that store just looking at all the fabric but I have enough of a stash so I am going with a list and that is all I am buying!!Wish me luck on that one!
I am linking up with my friend Kathy. She loves slow stitching Sunday. That I will get to later today with more hexies! Join her and see what she and everyone else is up to today in blogland!!


  1. What fun to spend a Day at your favorite quilt shop with a friend. Enjoy! (And good luck sticking to your list.)

  2. I tried to stick to my list in a recent trip to two quilt stores and failed miserably! I bought lots of yummy fabrics though and will have fun using them someday! Happy stitching to you!

  3. Love that name tag - she is very cute!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...