Sunday 31 May 2015

Getting away from it all!!!

Yes just 4 more sleeps and I will be headed to quilt retreat with 10 other lucky ladies. Some are the same as the fall retreat but a few are going to be new faces to me. New quilting buddies are always welcome. So that give me just 4 days to get things ready. Suitcase packed and decide what projects I will want to work on. Most undecided  about what machine to take? Really want to take my featherweight but will need my big machine to do a couple of projects I am taking. Guess there is room for two machines as long as I don't forget one at retreat like I did in the Fall!!!
I will have my camera handy but you know what they say...what happens at retreat stays at retreat!!!
One of my first quilts
Well this past week I did a trunk show for one of the guilds I belong to. We had a busy evening of decisions that had to be made but finally it was my turn to show my quilts. I had my sister along as my helper. Here are a few of the quilts that I took along. I packed three suitcases and that was probably only half of the quilts that I have in my house.

Crimpoline handquilted to a flannel back ..yikes
1st Big girl bed quilt for my daughter

catnap from quiltmaker magazine
Polycottons and handquilted
plaids and stripes everywhere

starry logcabin
as close to artsy as I get

woven ribbon logcabin

So today I have been working outside. The weather is cool and there were no bugs till after lunch. I got a lot accomplished. One flowerbed weeded, lilac bush weeded and edged and I transplanted and weeded the raspberry patch. That is a good days work. The lilac shrub isn't doing as well as could be cause a certain little puppy decided this winter that it was a good chew toy. So lots of branches were a bit nibbled on and had to be cut away! Now if I can just keep her out of the garden. So after supper I think I will be sitting down and doing some relaxing slow stitching with Kathy to unwind! Have a great week ahead, I know I am counting the days to the retreat!!!        

weeds are gone and lilacs are coming
they don't look healthy but raspberry and strawberry patch is expanding


  1. Very nice collection of quilts! Thanks for sharing.

  2. So fun to see some of your quilts! I'm sure the ladies enjoyed the show.
    Have a blast at retreat!

  3. What a fabulous quilt show you put on ... for your guild and for us. I can sense your excitement for your upcoming retreat ... I'm feeling some excitement too as I'll be at a guild retreat this weekend. We'll have free sew on Thursday and workshops on Friday and Saturday. I can't wait!

    1. Our retreat is almost 4 days of free sewing...there are no classes!! So hoping to get lots done!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...