Sunday 11 May 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Wishing all my quilty friends and new friends in blogland a Happy Mother's day! We are having a gorgeous day here in Northern Ontario.The sun is shining and there is a nice breeze to dry my clothes that I have put on the line for the first time this year. I even have some windows open but had to turn down the furnace that want to run! So I guess it isn't quite summer yet!
I have managed to get quite a few projects a step closer to being down. A baby quilt that is headed to North Northern Ontario(I think they still have snow) is complete. Not sure if it is a girl or boy so went somewhat neutral although after I started cutting found out the focus fabric is all little farm boys...oh well I think she is having a boy! And that my story and I am sticking to it!!!
The "love blooms here" letters are for a challenge for one of the guilds that I am finishing up. I only have one more block to make and then put the top together. And aren't these little trucks cute. They are going with a panel to make it larger for another baby quilt I am making for a great nephew.
Now I just have to find time to get downstairs and complete these projects. Add to that an armful of fabric I just brought home from my mother's house. She was at a yard sale and bought a big box of fabric. Lots of VIP but I managed to find some nice Northcott in the pile.
I was feeling pretty special yesterday when I received a delivery of flowers for Mother's Day. My daughter sent them to me as she was not coming home this weekend. Special because I don't normally get flowers. DH idea of flowers would be picking wild ones but since it is early I should be glad he didn't pick the few daffodils that I have blooming instead he gave me a little stash of cash. It is to be used this week when I go to my fav quilt  store for her annual May sale!!!
I hope you are all having a wonderful day and enjoying your stitching on whatever you are working on. I am linking kathy up with  for slow stitching Sunday. Join her and see what everyone else is doing today!!

Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...