Sunday 12 January 2014

Getting back into a Routine

BOM blocks to sew together
Well for me the holidays are over and that BIG 50 birthday has passed so now is the time to get back to some sort of a routine! For me that means walking or exercising of some sort and getting at my sewing room and sitting behind that machine. Have you ever had the problem of wondering what todo. Wanting to sew but not knowing which project to start or dig out and complete. That is where I am...enter a quilty friend. She is putting on an auction this Spring to raise funds for the local Lions Club. So she is cleaning out her quilting stuff and has given me two projects to sew together. One is a block of the month. Blocks are made and sashing cut, I just have to sew the top together and she will quilt it. The other will be a bit more work. Two lovely panels and black for the alternate squares, to be made into a queen sized quilt. The colour shows orange but is more rust actually.She wants no other colour,so it the challenge to make this one large enough.Stay tuned for finished tops.
panel to sew with black
I do so want to set up a quilt to hand quilt but with my birthday present being a redo of my kitchen so I am not sure I want to do that. So I guess I will stay working in my sewing room. As for today the slow stitching with kathy will be slow sewing and deciding what project will be next!

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Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...