Thursday 2 January 2014

2013 in rear view, 2014 full speed ahead

This is the time of year we look back to see what we have accomplished and what is left to do. If you are like most quilters I know, there is more left to do that got done!!!(good English) Lists are our friend, whether you joined a UFO group or a blog where they were encouraging you to get those orphans finished, I hope something helped. Myself, I did get a couple finished. But for each finish, I am sure I started two, some of which never got finished....oops!!!
My Jar of happiness
SQUIRREL!!!( you will understand in a minute)
Last Christmas my daughter gave me an empty mason jar, a pen and some small slips of paper. She asked me to write happy things,special events, or just a thought that made me smile, that happen to me throughout the year. Although at first I wasn't sure, throughout the summer the jar started to fill.You can find that sometimes even the smallest thing can make you smile! Now as I open the jar and recount all those slips, I can see what a great year I had! Not gonna lie, after taking the photo,I  sat down  and read everyone of those slips.Amazing how just a simple thought or memory can make you smile! SQUIRREL!
So writing things down helps and jogs the memory!Make a list and even if you don't share it with anyone, it is there for you and your memory.
So let's not dwell on the past but put "pedal to the metal" and go full throttle into the future!!!Here are a few photos of some of the highlights of my past year! Finally have a treadle machine and a featherweight! DH finally got his dream(which makes me happy too) a John Deere tractor(so out with the old red one) and our daughter got her dream job. It has been a great year!!
Treadle refinished and working
so excited for a featherweight

boys and their toys

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Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...