Sunday 29 January 2023

Looking more wintery outside

I seem to have spent more time outside this week than in the sewing room. But to that end, My snow blower is fixed with the help of my nephew and it is running like new again! So this morning I put it to the test and it passed with flying colours and I am one happy girl. I also know more about a snow blower and how to fix it! Good knowledge for next time!!

stuffie quilts
Snowy weather means after shovelling, I get to have some sewing time.  This week I dug out my hexie project again. I went sewing with some friends and had nothing ready to take with me so this is my fall back project. I have been working on it in the evening too. Unfortunately that means my knitting has been laid aside!

Last week I told you about getting a baggie of triangles from some sewing we did at guild see here. Well those got turned into 3 little quilts that will find a home with a stuffed animal and be donated to charity.

loving my snowmen
Yesterday I was suppose to join some friends and listen to the band that my late hubby use to be a member of. They haven't played for awhile due to Covid and other things. The weather here was snowy with squalls all morning so I didn't get to go. So I treated myself to a new project. The panel has been sitting on my table and so I decided I would work on it. It is going to be the perfect colour for my bathroom. Yes I put a wall hanging in the bathroom!  The photo shows blue but actually the backing is light blue and the front is more teal/green blue. I am hand quilting a bit to bring out some of the features on the snowmen, lines in the snow and to define the trees a bit. 

Slow  stitching with Kathy today will be working on this and hopefully getting the binding on it. I will also be sewing down the binding on those 3 little quilts.

Hope the week ahead is a good one. I will be hosting a sewing day at my house and I will remember to take pictures this time. I will show them next Sunday at this time. Happy sewing!!


  1. Oh, I really like that snowmen wallhanging. I put wreaths in my bathrooms, so why not wallhangings. I like that idea. I also like those little quilts. I am glad your snow blower is fixed. We have not had any snow and I am missing it. Have a fun sewing week!

  2. I have a wall hanging in the bathroom too! Actually, I have two of them, and I have one up for summer and the other in winter.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...