Sunday 19 September 2021

Quilting Season!

memory quilt #1
 Yes quilting season is in full swing.  My garden is about half empty with only things left that will handle cold temps or frost, which we had this morning!

memory quilt for aunt
The wait is over and I hope you are as excited as I was when I delivered the memory pillows and quilts that I made for my aunt and cousins. They only asked me to make pillows but there was so much fabric from all the shirts left, that I added some of my stash and 4 lap quilts were created.

memory quilt #2

memory quilt #3

I had a fun sewing day on Thursday with my friend Natalie. Well she sewed and I cut fabric. That fabric should have been sewn yesterday while I zoomed with more quilting friends. But alas I started on a new project. Carol from zoom suggested a pattern from Missouri Star magazine. It was a large spool of thread. The pattern made a large almost double bed quilt. I did a little math and came up with a lap quilt. Then made two. I would like to make a couple more as they are very easy to whip up. The thread part is a jelly roll race( I used 20 strips instead of 40). The borders are added on and before finishing the top and bottom ones you snowball the corners for the spool top and bottom! Easy peasy!!

2 of 11 pillows
thread spool quilt top

Remember this blog is about me, all parts of my life.  It has been seven months since  my husband passed away. I am finding that keeping busy is the best way to keep my mind occupied. So today I cleaned up the yard a bit, piled wood and  raked pine needles. The months seem to have flown by and now here I am entering into  Fall with Summer almost behind me. Soon the white flakes will be falling! But before they do I have some travelling to do. I am going on retreat with some friends. It should be a fun time at the "Wild Women Weekend"!! I will definitely post more about that weekend later. There may even be an appearance of "Flat Kathy"!

This girl deserves an evening of relaxation which by chance included my neighbour Tony bringing me supper. He made a delicious stew! So now the evening ahead will include feet up, hot tea, knitting/crochet and the end of the nascar race that I was too tired to finish watching last night! But before that I will be checking in to see what Kathy is slow stitching on today. My slow stitching is crocheting a afghan that I want to get finished and sent off to its new owner.

Now I have to get packing and sorting what projects I will take, there are only five more sleeps!!

backyard visitor


  1. Glad you can go on retreat. Love the hummingbird at the feeder. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Wowwweee you finished 4 quilts?!?! That's amazing!
    You did a terrific job!
    Flat Kathy is the only way I am getting anywhere these days!
    Can't wait to see where I go next!!

  3. You are a busy girl. I am proud of you.

  4. Deanna, I am new to your blog. I clicked the link from Slow Sunday Stitching & got to looking around. :) Why I am writing is I have to make a memory pillow too and I really like how yours look. Did you come up with the pattern/tutorial yourself, or did you find it someplace else that you are willing to share? Thank you so much for any information you may give. I am so sorry your hubby passed away, that must be an incredibly hard thing to go through. Going from a couple to single through no fault of your own, I would get lost in wallowing in sorrow. But I have been single for most of my life, life just isn't like a fairy tale at all. There is no happily ever after. Do you have a dog or cat? Sometimes my dog keeps me sane (she is little like a cat). Do you think my comment is long enough yet??? :) Hugs to you, Kara


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...