Sunday 1 August 2021

Summertime summertime!

 How is it that it has been almost a month since I posted on my blog. Sorry to my friends that check in regularly that there hasn't been anything new, it doesn't mean that I haven't been busy.

ingredients for supper last night
The garden is growing and starting to finally produce things that I can eat. Beans, lettuce and zucchini are all growing well. The raspberries are also in abundance. I feel like the Forest Gump of raspberries. Raspberry jam, frozen raspberries, fresh ones on ice cream  or in pancakes! I haven't baked with them but I am sure that will be happening soon. Possibly raspberry zucchini loaf or cake.

In the sewing room I finished machine quilting the 3rd of  my secret project. I am hoping to be able to reveal the project by the end of August or beginning of September. But it must remain a secret for now!

farm themed quilt

I took a little break to make a toddler quilt for a special new great nephew. I gathered all the farm related fabric I had  and added a few others that could pass as farm fabric.(well ladybugs and dogs can be on a farm) It came together in three days just in time to be picked up and later that week delivered to the little fellow. I received a pic of him with his quilt and to say he was excited, is not over stating things!

I am getting excited for August as I will have two of the three and maybe all three Piranha friends here for a visit. (Kathy hope this isn't the first you are hearing of this)We were forced to miss last year due to Covid. I am also in the planning stages for another retreat in late September. I have to get this visiting in before the snow flies and I am not so willing to drive anywhere.

Today for my day of relaxing slow stitching, I will be working on binding a lap quilt. I first have to sew it on the quilt so some machine work will be required. I will be checking in with Piranha Kathy to see what she is slow stitching on and what others are up to this long weekend here in Canada.

 A potted plant from friends is blooming and putting on a great show. I hope flowers are blooming and brightening your day wherever you are today!


  1. You have quite a bounty there from your garden. Love the farm quilt. So glad the recipient liked it. Have a great week!

  2. Beautiful produce, and lovely farm quilt!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...