Sunday 24 January 2021

And so it begins....

border with no quilt
flimsy complete
 I am going to have lots of stitching in my foreseeable future. I set up this quilt and am looking forward to working on it. I was a bit worried as I had tried something different that I had not done before. I cut the borders to fit the quilt, mitered the corners and added all the applique. I finished the applique and attached the borders to the main body of the quilt. It fit wonderfully much to my surprise. I chalk that one up to a good sewing day!

quilt on the frame
So now it is on the frame and I got a good start on it yesterday after I found a quilting needle that I liked. What size do you use? I have, through process of illimitation, found that I like #9 that are a bit long(1 1/4") they don't bend easily nor do they feel like I am using a darning needle. haha

crosshatching to the curved edges of the quilt
The frame is very rustic looking but gets the job done. I bought it from a local quilter lady who was moving and no longer quilted. Her husband made it for her. This saves me some space instead of setting up my very large frame.

After a brisk walk this morning(it was -22C or -7F)with my eyelashes frosting up, I am in my studio for the day. What will I do? I have a lining for a hat to make which needs to be mailed tomorrow then I might cut scraps or just hand quilt for the afternoon! But you know with a cup of coffee in hand, I will be checking in with Kathy and looking to see what others are slow stitching on today.



  1. Sounds like a perfect way to spend the day. We are going walking shortly and then I will do some sewing too. Beautiful quilt in the frame!

  2. Such a pretty sight to see your quilt all framed up and ready to hand quilt. Looks like you are off to a good start already. Quilting the day away sounds like such a lovely plan.

  3. Love seeing your frame set up with a quilt ready to stitch! Oh how I wish I could join you for Slow Sunday Stitching!

  4. Gorgeous quilt! Can't wait to see your progress!

  5. Wow, that was quite a chilly walk! Your quilt is beautiful. I am sure you will enjoy quilting it.

  6. Beautiful quilting started on this amazing quilt!!! Enjoy Deanna :) Kathi


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...