Sunday 22 July 2018

Heat wave and fires!

As I write this the smell of smoke is in the air around me. Strong enough smell that I have to close the windows. We have large forest fires burning 1 hour south of us and an hour and half south west of us. The fire fighters have got control of one 1.5 hour north of us too. This summer is crazy dry. We have had rain but just not enough and when it rains, there is usually lightening and more fires start!!!

On a quilty/sewing note. I have been doing lots as it is too hot outside to do anything! A friend asked if I could finish a top into a quilt. Well it was a banner 42"x 120". It will be an odd sized quilt but it is done. I will show pictures after I know it has been delivered to the recipient.
hand quilting is coming along
I have also been slowly working on my hand quilting. It is coming along and working in a hoop on a table on these hot days is the only way to go. Once all the inner blocks are done, I just have to do the border and binding. It will be my last of five finished UFOs that I have finished this year for a guild challenge. This is what I will be working on today and joining my friend Kathy for some slow relaxing stitching today
leaders and enders ready to go
With the little bit of actual sewing on the machine that I have been doing, I have started Bonnie Hunter's leader and ender challenge for this year. I have hst triangles from another project that someone gave me so I am using them and adding the four patches. So this basket is all the neutrals and green to make four patches. They sit beside my machine and I can sew them up when needed.

Kathy this one is for you!
I was doing a practice piece of machine quilting this week. This picture is just for Kathy! When we had Piranha weekend, she was machine quilting and quilted a fold in her backing fabric. We giggled and snickered at her. Now it is my turn. This was just a mini quilt but once I was finished I flipped it over only to discover this little mess. Nothing else to do but get ripping and re-sewing!! I can hear you giggling Kathy!!! :)

 Have a great week ahead. I am off for another appointment at the eye doctor. Seems I have developed a cataract and need it gone. Tomorrow I go to set the date for the surgery. Wish me luck!!


  1. Lovely to see your hand quilting in the hoop! Enjoy the slow stitching.
    Sue hope your property stays safe from the fires.
    And YES I am giggling about your machine quilting the folded backing... I know how frustrating it rip rip!

  2. Nice hand quilting. Yep we've all done it(sewn a fold in) hope they get the fires under control soon. We've had similar in the uk....started deliberately. Madness!

  3. Your quilting, both hand and machine is very pretty...except for the fold. I have been in CA when there are fires nearby and it is scary and really bothers your eyes and your breathing. I hope they stay over an hour away.


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...