Friday 23 February 2018

Slow oh so slow!

small diamonds and starting to join
Have you ever worked on a project and wondered if it will ever be done? This is the one for me. I have been working on these hexies for at least 4 years. I started by making flowers then decided to  make them into diamonds. I am probably only ever going to make one of these quilts so let's go all the way!
Once the diamonds were made, I started to join them onto small manageable units maybe 2 feet squareish. At some point over the years...I accumulated many of these units. I thought to myself...I need to start joining them to see where I am and what (if any) units I still would require.

getting bigger
Now all the 2 feet square units have been joined and I am filling in spots where needed. But as my DH said last night..."that is the strangest shaped quilt" he has ever seen!!! It's not done yet I said...but he fears I will keep adding till it covers the house!!

I do have a finishing plan in my head too. But that will come with time. Now the realization is hitting that getting the top done is only half the problem...after doing all that hand sewing to get it should be hand quilted!!!!
This is where I am now. Only time will tell how long it will take to finish...stay tuned!!

all pieces joined so far

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