Monday 3 July 2017

Best Laid Plans

dessert for the band
You know what happens to those plans....yup never go as planned!My weekend was to be a sewing one.  After feeding DH band on saturday and getting them off to their next gig...I was going to sew.Well that didn't happen. I lally gagged around the house and at dusk went and watched fireworks. All the time saying to myself...tomorrow, tomorrow!
Swoon block sashing
Well it came and went and this is all I have to show for my efforts. My swoon blocks are altogether but as I was trying to decide on a layout I discovered one hst was in the wrong place...enter unsewing tool!!! With that corrected, I asked DH what colour he thought I should use for the sashing. His answer was blue or green. Not it is and I found the perfect one in my stash, 1 meter of it. Will it be enough, can it be enough. I will make it be enough but there will be some piecing happening and that is okay!
So today my intention is to get this put together and get it to flimsy stage and maybe even pin basted. Maybe I shouldn't say that too loud!! haha
tumblers coming together
In between all that sewing I am STILL working on my tumblers from Bonnie's leader and enders from a couple years ago. It really is amazing how many you can sew while putting just one block together. One box is "twosies" and the other box is"foursies" I am soon going to have to decide on a size of the quilt and get sewing rows together. But for now this is what they look like. Bonnie's new leader and ender challenge will be starting this week....hmmm to do another one or NOT!!!!

Although I am a day late, I will be checking in with my friend Kathy and her followers to see what everyone was slow stitching yesterday.
Enjoy your week and we are hoping for a little less rain and more sunshine!

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Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...