Sunday 16 April 2017

Where does the time go?

DH and his home-made stove
It has been almost a month since I blogged on here.How can that be? Well here are my excuses.First off March is the start of the sap run. We have started making maple syrup with my sister and her hubby.This is the second year and we have made some modifications to how we do things and we were very successful this year.We made  32 liters of syrup and it is so delicious.
liquid gold almost ready to bottle
But it didn't stop there, my DH decided to tap trees in our backyard and we made syrup here in the backyard over the last two weeks. That is a lot of watching wood burn and sap evaporate to make 6 1/2 more liters for us and our family. On a good note, I got some long hours of reading in as you can't do much else.
final product
This weekend is Easter. We took the weekend and traveled the 5 hours to visit our daughter and meet her boyfriend. Always a fun time. We also spent the day with family friends and quilting buddies of mine. Lively conversations and lots of laughs were had and more memories were made.We came home today and it was pouring rain most of the way. Our little creek is really flowing and howling outside today.It will eventually calm down but right now it is looking very fierce. My friend Kathy loves the sound of it flowing by so this video is for her.

getting there!
With all that going on I am still hand quilting too! That is about all the sewing I am getting done as I seem to have fallen a bit behind. I was wanting to have this finished by now. It should only be a couple more weeks and it will be done. It is very productive each time I get to roll the frame and start on the next section.
You can bet today I will be joining my friend Kathy and doing some "JUST BE". We had a very late night and early even slow stitching is beyond me today. I just want to sit and drink my tea and munch on chocolate!!!


  1. Wow it is beautiful! Can't wait to see this masterpiece finished! You are making a great work.

  2. I LOVE the video... the water is rushing so loudly this time of year! Enjoy your beautiful hand quilting!


Let me introduce myself....

 It would seem that maybe I should re-introduce myself as I have been away from blogland for way too long. I have heard from some of my read...