Wednesday 15 October 2014

Quilt Retreat

It should fit in the car!
Well I am packed and patiently waiting for departure time. That will be tomorrow morning early. We are headed out to do some quilt shopping and then to the retreat destination. This is the 7th year we have gotten together. Each year there have been new faces joining us and some that have not returned. I will always remember a dear sweet lady Madeline, she was quite a character, 80 years or more and there she was having the time of her life with us crazies. She was a very accomplished quilter and story teller.Especially the story of her husband who asked her to make him a quilt. She had made lots of afghans for him but not a quilt. His reply was those afghans are full of holes, he wanted a quilt!!!She hand pieced and hand quilted most of her quilts too! Sadly she had a stroke and past away. I will always be glad for our retreat where we get to meet such amazing people like her!

Belle sitting still-3 month old
Now that my things are packed all I want to do today is sew. I have only machine quilted in my sewing room so things will be very different at the cabinet and smaller space. Maybe today I should set up on a table and see if it works for me. Otherwise I need to pack more projects to work on! YIKES

I am hoping for a productive weekend and that I will have lots to show you next week.

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